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How To Check Metrics with Telemetry (enabled/disabled)

Select Resources

While launching any application, in SELECT RESOURCES page there is an option to enable or disable telemetry. Enabling telemetry shows the real time metrics in overview tab and the performace tab when the workload is completed.

Click on 'Next' button available on the top right corner.

Review And Run Workload

Review whether telemetry was enabled or not and click on Run Workload.

Note: Please note that the payment information might be different from the above image because you might be added to a different team.

Once the application execution is successful then the status gets changed into Completed. The user can check the STDOUT and STDERR logs by clicking on respective tabs. The Performace tab shows the telemetry collected.

Since the telemetry was enabled, the user can see the Performace tab.

Review The Telemetry

If the telemetry is disabled, then the real metrics and the performance tab will not be shown.

The same aplication was re-ran after disabling the telemetry. Here the performace tab is not visible.